Sing Your Heart Out Winners
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Sing Your Heart Out Winners

Middle School/Overall Winner - Kennedy Francoforte

Middle School and overall winner of the SYHO Vocal competition.
Middle School and Overall Winner: Kennedy Francoforte
Elementary School Winner: Carmen Sanchez
High School Winner: Maci Milan

Elementary School

Elementary School winner Carmen Sanchez - SYHO Competition
Winner - Carmen Sanchez
2nd - Ava Brown
3rd - Rosalie Wolf

Middle School

Middle School winner Kennedy Francoforte; 2nd place Maddie Amos; 3rd place Rozhinda Hadipour
Winner - Kennedy Francoforte
2nd - Maddie Amos
3rd - Rozhina Hadipour

High School

High School winner Maci Milan; 2nd place Jack Ewing; 3rd place Conrad Johnson
Winner - Maci Milan
2nd - Jack Ewing
3rd - Conrad Johnson
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